Ascension Curacy Program

In 2023 Church of the Ascension entered a partnership with Made to Flourish and established a Pastoral Residency Program, known within our Anglican context as a Curacy Program. We are accepting applications for a Curacy to begin the summer of 2025 for two years.
Position Summary
Just as teaching hospitals have medical residencies to prepare doctors for a lifetime of service, Church of the Ascension aims to be a kind of teaching hospital to prepare clergy for the service of the church. This is the mission of the Ascension Curacy program. It exists to train, form, and equip men and women for a lifetime of faithful and fruitful pastoral ministry.
Why is such a program necessary? In addition to biblical and theological instruction in seminary, pastors need hands-on, immersive training and formation in the context of a local church. This is the experience we offer to Curates as they seek to learn the skills and the art of pastoral ministry.
By design, the curacy is not formulaic or overly programmatic. Instead, we aim to provide Curates with real and consequential ministry responsibilities; to expose them to the full range of senior leadership; to care for their formation; to help them cultivate pastoral skills in line with their gifts and the church’s needs; and to walk with them as they discern their vocation beyond Ascension.
Areas of Responsibility
Every Curate’s experience and range of responsibilities will be different depending on the church’s current needs, the Curate’s gifts/skills/experience, and their vocational goals.
- Build, support, and/or lead one or more ministries that strikes a balance between gifting and need. Among other things, this could include Community Groups, Adult Formation, Youth Group, Children’s Ministry, Volunteer Coordination, etc.
- Planning and leading worship services (e.g., crafting liturgy, reading Scripture, celebrating, serving communion, leading prayer, etc.)
- Occasional preaching and teaching
- Pastoral Care and Counseling (e.g., pre-marital, hospital visits, home visits, general pastoral care)
- Visits to parishioners’ workplaces
- Full participation in organizational meetings (staff, vestry, diocesan)
- Other duties assigned by the Rector and/or Curacy Coordinator
As much as possible, the Curate will gain experience in the full range of pastoral ministry (e.g., preach, give last rites, hear confession, prepare a candidate for baptism, baptize someone, plan and officiate a wedding and a funeral, learn about church budgets, lead a team of volunteers, etc.) so that when the Curate moves into a senior leadership position, they are ready to serve.
The Ideal Candidate will
- Have a dynamic personal faith in Jesus
- Have a love for people and helping them grow in faith, hope, and love
- Exemplify the high standards of pastoral leadership as outlined in 1Timothy 3 and the Ordinal
- Be ordained as a deacon or priest (or well-along in the ordination process)
- Affirm the doctrinal confessions in the Jerusalem Declaration
- Have the ability to make a two-year commitment
- Be able to begin the curacy in the summer of 2025
Salary + Benefits (which includes personal fundraising of $15,000/year)
To apply, email your resume/CV and cover letter to the Rev. Kevin Antlitz.