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Livestream from Sunday, February 2
The 11am service was cancelled on Sunday, February 2 due to a gas leak. Thanks to those present for vacating so quickly and graciously! For those of you unable to attend worship, the 9am livestream is here. We are also happy to report that the gas leak was repaired Sunday afternoon and the church will be open as usual this coming week.

Sundays in Epiphany: Liturgy Spotlight
One of the many themes at play in the season of Epiphany is the light of Christ shining in a dark world. Throughout this season, we’ll feature a series of brief articles entitled “Liturgy Spotlight” to illuminate aspects of the liturgical practices that help us frame our worship as Anglican Christians. If you miss a Sunday, you can follow things here!

Join an Arts Collaborative!
Seven different Arts Collaboratives have recently formed – visual artists, musical performers, drama, writers, songwriters, gardeners. All are on the Groups page of our App. Our Arts Collaboratives Gathering will take place on March 15 from 9:30 to 11:30 in the Bailey Parish Hall. All artists are welcome to join and contemplate what it means to work together as artists across multiple disciplines. Light refreshments will be provided. Register here for the gathering on March 15.

Parents – You are invited! Sun, Feb 16 at 6pm
Join Father Kevin and Father Josh on Sunday, February 16 at 6pm as they lead a discussion around the negative impact that smartphones have had on our teenagers, and the true hope that our Christ-centered community has to offer. If you are interested in supporting your children in this confusing and overwhelming time, please join us as we learn, discuss, and pray. Register here.

Meal Ministry: Register to help!
Would you like to cook or serve a shelter ministry? We cook for East End Cooperative Ministries (EECM) once a month. We also cook and serve at Shepherd’s Heart Fellowship about once a month. Please sign up here. You can cook or serve or choose both. We have several opportunities coming up!

Pipe Organ Tours: Sat, Feb 15
Come learn about the history of our organ, how it works and how it has become an integral part of our worshipping community. There will be three separate tours on Saturday, February 15 at 9am, 10am and 11am. Sign up and don’t forget to bring some music if you would like to take a turn on the bench. Children and families are welcome. Contact Gary Harger for more information.

Houseplant Swap: Sun, Feb 16
Join us in the Hunt Rooms on February 16th after the 11am service for a houseplant swap! We will talk a little about the wide world of houseplants, get our hands dirty, and chat with other Ascension gardeners. All ages welcome. Bring a houseplant to share and take a few new ones home! RSVP as space is limited for this popular event.

Men’s Support Group: Beginning February 18
Are you a man who struggles with unwanted sexual behavior? Join a new biweekly small group starting on Tuesday, February 18 that will run through the month of May focused on creating a space for connection, honesty, hope, and empathy for men dealing with sexual brokenness. Our sexual wounds, addictions and unwanted behavior can be an invitation for where God wants to meet us. If you are interested in joining or finding out more information, please email Kevin Antlitz, Assistant Rector.

Sign up now
Confirmation is a chance for those who are baptized at a young age to stand before the Church and say, “Yes, I want to follow Christ!” and to be prayed for by the Bishop and the Church. This year, confirmations will be on June 1. If you are a middle or high school student and interested in being confirmed, you are required to join us for Youth Confirmation Prep. All of the details are here. We hope you will join us!

Luther as Mystic Theologian
Join Legacy for a luncheon and program on Thursday, February 20 at 12:30pm. Ben Ames-McCrimmon will present on “Martin Luther as Mystic Theologian.” Lunch is $15 (first-timers are free). You can sign up on the app or email Kate Fisher. This will be a fabulous time to enjoy lunch among friends, or to meet new friends, and enjoy an engaging talk.

Viola and Piano Recital: Sat, Feb 22 at 4pm
Join Stephen and Heidi Mayhew on Saturday, February 22 at 4pm as they present an afternoon of solos and duets, including music by Bach, Schubert, Vaughn Williams and Muczynski. You won’t want to miss this evening of beautiful music by two of our Ascension musicians. A reception to follow in the New Narthex. Contact Heidi Mayhew for more information.

Hymn Sing: Get your Alleluias out before Lent!
Come join us on Thursday, February 27 at 7pm in the Nave to sing hymns both ancient and new. We’ll sing with the organ, piano and other instruments and sometimes a Capella. Singers of all ages and abilities are welcome! Let’s end the season of Epiphany with a joyful time of worship. Contact Gary Harger for more information.

Women’s Breakfast on March 1 from 8:30 – 12:30pm
Women are invited to a breakfast featuring Tamara Cameron, wife of our Bishop, Alex Cameron. She will present on the theme of “Transitions” – something we all experience throughout the many stages of life: from a household of kids to empty-nester, from married to widowed, from employed to unemployed, from student to professional… We will reflect together on the challenge of transition and the resources we have in Christ and Christian community. A sign up with more details is available here. For more info, reach out to Ascension clergy, Lauren Scharf or Jess Bennett.

Plan on attending: Sunday, March 2 at 6pm
This year’s Annual Parish Meeting will be at 6pm on Sunday, March 2nd (concurrent with youth group). Please mark your calendars and plan to come! Important updates will be announced! This year’s vestry nominees can be found here. Dessert and Coffee will be served.

Plan to worship with us: March 5 at Noon or 7pm
We will have Ash Wednesday services at Noon and 7pm on Wednesday, March 5. Childcare provided at both services.

Digital Fast During Lent
Join us for a 28-day digital fast where we intentionally reduce digital distraction and increase our spiritual devotion. The fast will begin on Sunday, March 9. All participants will be following the Digital Fast workbook, a daily devotional with reflective exercises that will help us recalibrate our relationship with technology. To participate, please register using the app. You must also purchase the $15 workbook. Father Kevin Antlitz will communicate with participants when workbooks arrive and will also provide opportunities to connect as a group during the fast. If you have questions, email Father Kevin.

Loving Jesus in Everyday Life Using 12 Step Spirituality
Lauren Scharf invites you to join her on March 29th from 8:30am-1:30pm (light lunch provided) for a mini retreat. The cost is $15 (Scholarships are available). We will explore how the spiritually rich world of the 12 Step Fellowships can deepen our ability to translate our faith into everyday life. We will look at the dynamics of addiction and how it can help us understand sin, learn a bit about the history of the 12 Steps, and explore how practical 12 step tools can be used to enrich our everyday life with Jesus. More info and registration is here.