“The person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously. Each one of you should give just as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, because God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9: 6-7

In the Bible the “tithe,” or first ten-percent of our income, is the basic standard of giving. We give to support the things God is doing in the world and also for the health of our souls. Actually, giving is the wrong word. It’s stewarding. A steward is someone who is responsible for watching over someone’s property in their absence. God makes us stewards of all the things he has given us including our finances.
2025 Annual Pledge Cards
A pledge is a commitment to give a certain amount of money to the life of the church in a given year. From now through Epiphany (January 12) Ascension is collecting pledges for 2025. Why pledge? Pledges and giving to the church are a spiritual discipline. They reflect our desire and commitment to give out of what we have received from God, and our belonging in the life of the local community. Additionally, pledging is a great help to the church in planning for the year ahead as it provides a measure of clarity regarding the financial resources available for ministry. Pledges can be made online here. For those new to the discipline of pledging, an FAQ on what financial pledges can be found here.
What money is used for
We encourage those who have made Ascension their home to give generously. Giving supports the day-to-day operations of the church, missionaries and ministries around the world, and ministries within Pittsburgh. Everything we do is aimed to give away the faith that we have so freely been given.
Ways to Give
Church Center: Church Center enables parishioners to give or make payments for events with debit or credit cards. Simply go to the Giving section of the app to set up one-time or regular giving. Just connect your bank or a debit/credit card!
Checks: You can mail checks to the church office or put checks into the offering boxes or plates on Sundays with or without an envelope. Checks should be made out to ‘Church of the Ascension’.
Offering envelopes: If you would like to receive offering envelopes for your checks, please contact the bookkeeper.
Electronic giving: If you would like to set up EFT (electronic funds transfer) from your bank account you can initiate it directly with your financial institution or you can fill out paperwork for the church to initiate regular deductions. Please contact our bookkeeper for more information.
If you have any questions on the mechanics of giving, please contact Karen Gowdy, Director of Administration or Nicole DeLuca, Bookkeeper.