Our Leadership


Rev. Peter Coelho

The Rev. Peter Coelho

Peter began serving as Rector at Ascension in September 2024. As Rector Peter serves the community by directing the staff and clergy, leading the community in worship, and working with…

The Rev. Kevin Antlitz

Kevin began serving at Ascension in the middle of the pandemic. As the Assistant Rector, he oversees Community Groups and preaches and teaches regularly. Prior to coming to Pittsburgh, Kevin…

The Rev. Lauren Scharf

After many years of waiting on the Lord’s timing, Lauren finally and joyfully joined the pastoral team at Church of the Ascension in March of 2024. She currently heads up…
The Ven. Dr. Mark Stevenson

The Ven. Dr. Mark Stevenson

Mark met his wife, The Rev. Canon Karen Baker Stevenson at Ascension, they were married at Ascension, and they were both ordained to serve at Ascension. They left in 2000…

Program Staff

Marilyn Chislaghi

Marilyn Chislaghi

Marilyn grew up in Edmonton, Canada. She married Rob Clifton and two days after their wedding they flew off to the University of Cambridge in the UK where she acquired…
Josh Bennett

The Rev. Josh Bennett

Josh and his wife Jess have been on staff at Ascension since 2020. Josh currently serves as the Youth Director for both middle and high school and the interim director…
Catherine Slocum

Catherine Slocum

A cradle Anglican, growing up at Saint Paul’s Darien, Connecticut, in the heart of the ‘70’s charismatic renewal movement, Catherine caught the excitement of the gospel at a young age…

Gary Harger

Gary began organ studies at age 15 and went on to study German and Education at Calvin University, where he continued to take organ lessons. He moved to Pittsburgh in…
Luann Pengidore

Lu Ann Pengidore

LuAnn is from the Beaver Falls, PA (one-hour west of Pittsburgh), where she was raised in an Italian/Irish Catholic family with her sister and brother, lots of cousins, and her…


Jess Bennett

The Rev. Jess Bennett

Jess has served on Ascension’s staff team, alongside her husband Josh, since 2020. Jess and Josh met during their years at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, but Jess is a…

The Rev. Wes Williams

Wes was born and raised in Tampa, Florida. He attended Florida State University, and came to faith through the school’s Intervarsity ministry in 2007. He started his studies at Trinity…

Missionary In Residence

The Rev. Daniel Behrens

In August of 2021 Ascension was approached by the Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders (SAMS) to consider a partnership with Daniel and Rebekah Behrens who hoped to relocate to…

Administrative Staff

Karen Gowdy

Karen Gowdy

Karen grew up in the Chicago suburbs and came to Pittsburgh to attend Carnegie Mellon. While there, she met her husband Jay and started attending Ascension. They were married here…
Stacey Regan

Stacey Regan

Stacey joined Ascension in 1994 and came on staff June 2007. As Secretary she is responsible for maintaining the database and producing the worship bulletins, and she is also the…
Nicole Adams

Nicole DeLuca

Nicole (Niki) bravely took over Ascension’s bookkeeping in the summer of 2020. She is a quick learn and has been keeping our accounts in great order. Nikki is well-known in…


Isaiah Bornman

Isaiah Bornman

Isaiah Bornman serves as our Director of Maintenance. He and his wife, Amy, moved to Pittsburgh and joined Ascension in 2018. They are glad to be near Amy’s family and…