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Lenten edition of the Ascent

The Lenten edition of our monthly newsletter, The Ascent, is available here. Many of the opportunities listed to follow are explained in more detail in this edition.

Rite of Reconciliation

Confession is particularly suited for Lent which is a season for repentance and reconciliation. There is a helpful Anglican saying about this Rite: “All may, none must, some should.” There is no obligation to participate in Confession, yet many experience freedom and healing in this Sacramental Rite. The Rite of Reconciliation is an individual, one-on-one time with a priest who will listen, counsel, direct, comfort, and pray for the penitent. It is usually scheduled as a brief appointment at Ascension, typically in the Gordon Chapel. Reach out to one of our clergy. More info is here.

Easter Lily Memorials and Gratitudes

Each year during the Easter Season, the Nave is decorated with Easter lilies and flowers to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.  If you would like to have an Easter plant given to the church as a memorial to or with gratitude for a loved one, please register and pay on the app. A donation of $20 is requested. Melita Carter will contact you for the precise wording of your memorial, either by phone or email. A notice of your memorial or gratitude will be included in the bulletin on Easter Sunday. Questions? You may reach out to Melita.

Lenten Hospitality

There will be a smaller, more budget-friendly selection of snacks throughout Lent. The money saved will be put towards building a ‘little free pantry’ that will be placed outside our building to be accessed by the community. Interested? Read more about it on page of the Lenten Ascent.

Call for Singers and Instrumentalists

The choir sings for special services on Holy Week and Easter. If you would like to add your voice, please email our Choir Director, Jenn Miller. Rehearsals will be held on Thursday evenings from 7-9pm in the Millard Multipurpose Room on March 27, April 3 and April 10. For those instrumentalists among us, consider dusting off your instrument and joining others in playing for the Festival Easter Service at 11 am on Sunday, April 20. Email Gary Harger for more information and rehearsal times.

Loving Jesus in Everyday Life Using 12 Step Spirituality

Lauren Scharf invites you to join her on March 29th from 8:30am-1:30pm (light lunch provided) for a mini retreat. The cost is $15 (Scholarships are available). We will explore how the spiritually rich world of the 12 Step Fellowships can deepen our ability to translate our faith into everyday life. We will look at the dynamics of addiction and how it can help us understand sin, learn a bit about the history of the 12 Steps, and explore how practical 12 step tools can be used to enrich our everyday life with Jesus. More info and registration is here.

Lenten Soul Care: Sat, April 5 at 9:30am

Soul Care is designed to help us engage in the disciplines of prayer, reading and meditating on God’s holy Word. If you have not been to a Soul Care morning, this is set apart time to sit in the warmth of community as we seek out Christ through prayer and contemplation. You are welcome to join us on Saturday, April 5, from 9:30 – 11:00am in the Hunt Rooms. Please register on the app.

Baptism Class: Sunday, April 6 at 12:45pm

Father Daniel Behrens will once again host a baptism class on Sunday, April 6. While it is geared toward internationals, English speakers are very welcome! The next time we have a Service of Baptism is Easter Sunday, April 20th. If you are an adult and want to be baptized, please join the class. A sign up is available on the app. Whether you are an adult seeking baptism or wish to have your child baptized, you may also reach out to our rector, Peter Coelho. He would love to talk with you.

Visit the Stations of the Cross during Holy Week

The Stations of the Cross will be on display throughout Holy Week this year. All are welcome to reflect through Christ’s passion using the stations between 12pm and 7pm each day of the week, Monday through Thursday. On Maundy Thursday we particularly invite families with young children to come to reflect on the stations. On Good Friday after the Noonday service, the Nave will be open for reflection on the stations until 3pm. More information on the Stations of the Cross at Ascension is available here.

Children’s Good Friday Program: Register now

With sight, sound, smell, taste, action, and teaching, kids will experience an immersive Good Friday that allows even the most “wiggly” of kids to engage in this complex, tragic, beautiful story that is the foundation for our Easter hope. We look forward to your child being a part of this holy learning experience on Good Friday, from Noon – 1:45pm. Your children are welcome to invite a friend. Please register all children here who will attend Good Friday, whether they will attend this program (4 years – 5th grade) or receive nursery care (infant – 3 years).

New to Ascension in the last year?

A casual evening around the Coelhos’ dining table — what better way to get to know your Rector, form new relationships and talk about the vision of Church of the Ascension than over a shared meal? Please bring a side dish or dessert to share if you are able, but you are welcome to simply bring yourself, your questions and your appetite. Families, you are welcome to bring your kids along. Do indicate any dietary restrictions or allergies in your RSVP on the app.

Meal Ministry: Register to help!

Would you like to cook or serve a shelter ministry? We cook for East End Cooperative Ministries (EECM) once a month. We also cook and serve at Shepherd’s Heart Fellowship about once a month. Please sign up here. You can cook or serve or choose both. We have several opportunities coming up!

Going to be married?

We will once again offer pre-marriage counseling this spring. Rob and Donna Martsolf will lead several sessions in a small group setting. Class times will be determined once the cohort has formed. If you are considering marriage, please let us know and register here

Employment Opportunity

Church of the Ascension has an open position for a Director of Youth Ministry. Position details can be found here. The deadline for application is April 4, 2025.