Engage Locally

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.” – Matthew 25:35

We invite you to come alongside other members and friends of Ascension in service to those in need of loving care and assistance. Contact emails are provided for those leading a variety of ministries. Please reach out and they will gladly give you more information.

Homeless Meal Ministry

Monthly meals cooked onsite and served at East End Cooperative Ministry and Shepherd’s Heart Ministry. Contact Jonathan Sewall or Brian Janaszek. Please Join the group on the app to receive upcoming dates.

Ascension Meal Ministry

Prepare and deliver a meal for those who are sick, bereaved, who have recently had a baby, or have a specific need. To be added to the participant list, contact Melita Carter.

Ascension Refugee Ministry

Join others welcoming a refugee family as we develop a vibrant partnership with ‘Hello Neighbor’. Join a Spanish Bible Study or worship with Sudanese refugees in the New Catacombs on Sunday. Contact Daniel Behrens.

International Ministry

Come alongside our international friends as conversation partners, or be trained to participate in our ESL classes, or help lead a Bible study, or offer ongoing friendship and home-based hospitality. Contact LuAnn Pengidore.

Special Needs Ministry

Embrace those with special needs. Become a friend of our participants by joining the Sunday program (10:30 – 11:15am) or by more in-depth friendship throughout the week. Contact Wes Williams.