Our Worship

Eugene Peterson said, “Worship is the strategy by which we interrupt our preoccupation with ourselves and attend to the presence of God.”

Worship is the highlight of our life together as a church. Our desire is that our experience of the presence of God through worship shapes us for the rest of the week: “So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering.” (Romans 12:1, The Message).

Worship doesn’t end when we walk out the door. Rather, the hope is that our time together on Sunday mornings is just the beginning. Please join us in this journey.

Regular Service Times

Join us at 9am or 11am on Sundays. Each week one of our two services will be livestreamed on Ascension’s YouTube channel. For more information, see our News and Events page.

What to expect?

  • We have multiple entrances – off of Ellsworth and Neville – and are fully wheelchair accessible through all entrances.
  • If you need a bathroom, please follow the signs. Bathrooms are located in the Minnie Smith Education Wing (close to the Neville entrance) as well as behind the main reception area (close to the Ellsworth entrance).
  • Childcare for those under the age of 4 is offered in rooms 101 and 102 of the education wing from 8:45am – 12:30pm. Your children can be dropped off before services. All of our childcare workers have mandated clearances as well as mandated diocesan training. Ushers can direct you to those rooms.
  • Nursing moms have access to a private space and comfortable seating: Room 105 at 9am and Room 103 at 11am. Both are in the Minnie Smith Education Wing.
  • Sunday School runs concurrently with both services. Children aged 4 – 5th grade begin with their parents, leaving for class after the children’s talk, and returning in time for communion. Members of our children’s ministry team also have mandated clearances as well as mandated diocesan training. A security team pays special attention to the education wing when the children are in class.
  • The 9am and 11am services are much the same. The 9am service has a more casual vibe with music by a worship team. The 11am service has a more traditional feel with music by the same worship team, but also accompanied by organ and a choir.
  • Regarding what to wear, some people are casual in jeans and hoodies while others dress up in suits and dresses. All are welcome.
  • Regarding Holy Communion, our clergy still use the protocol we adopted during the pandemic. They will dip a wafer into the communion wine and place the wafer into the communicant’s cupped hands. Gluten free wafers are available.
  • Finally, we like to chat and enjoy coffee and snacks after the services. Please join us in the Bailey Hall and meet a few people! If you don’t know where it is, follow the crowd after the service!